Men Behaving Badly: Jingle B***s DVD Review

Men Behaving Badly Jingle B***S


Theme Song (MP3)

Men behaving Badly is a hilarious British comedy.

This DVD reunites the cast for a Christmas special. It also collects out-takes and bloopers from the show, and presents them up-front.

The DVD starts with a copyright warning, then the Freemantle Media logo, ending with the Main Menu which showcases a major scene from the episode.

The Main Menu choices are: Play Program, Scene Index.

The program is presented in 4:3 video with stereo sound. It has a look of older videos, which is to say it's not sharp.

The Scene Index menu choices start off with 16 Out-takes and Bloopers, then six scenes from the episode.

Oddly enough, the program starts off with out-takes and bloopers from other shows before going into the episode. Many of the out-takes and bloopers can be found on the previous DVD series.

The program has two settings intertwining. One is a fantasy Christmas in which no matter what good or bad things happen, it always brings on holiday cheer. The other is the real world Christmas in which everything is a scaled down shadow of the ideal, and no one is particularly happy except Tony, who seems to retain a child-like (or is it sophmoric) enthusiasm in either case. The fantasy Christmas serves to integrate Anthea and George, who would otherwise have been left out of the more intimate holiday proceedings.

Fantasy Christmas

Overall, this disc, as with the entire series, is worth having for fans of the show. However, it's not a good series to show off a home theater system.

Here are some funny bits to round things off:

Gary: It's true, though, isn't it? No Father Christmas is the first real moment of sadness and disillusionment.

Dorothy: Nope. Mine was when I saw you naked for the first time.

Tony: Just imagine... Last Christmas, I had to fantasize what it was like to sleep with you, and now I really know... Fantastic!

Deborah: Do you miss not having fantasies?

Tony: Oh, I still do. I'm just back to the pre-you stuff, you know: girl on a bus, hostage in ladies prison, the sex museum one, Kylie's pool attendant, air hostesses in a hot lift, power cut in a cinema, Jehovah's Witness girls needing to come in to dry off their wet clothes, Darna on a nudist ranch, and Caribbean wetsuit party.

Gary: What is it?

Deborah: It's a paperweight.

Gary: Oh, well, that'll be handy if it's ever windy in the office.

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Contents by Vitas Povilaitis
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