Ali G DVD Review


Ali G

Ali G is a famous British rapper whose claim to fame comes from frank, street-level interviews with proper, professional individuals. He is highly regarded for the scantily-clad women who adorn his show.

Actually, Ali G is a character created by Sacha Baron Cohen as a parody of black rapper artists. All the more ironic because he's a Jewish white man. He also has a character who is a Russian reporter, Borat. Both characters draw humor by their tactless questions, and misunderstandings. The people he interviews are unsuspecting and treat the characters sincerely, which is where all the fun is.

Ali G interviews an shuttle commander
Ali G interviews a space shuttle commander Col. Rick Searfoss

For example, on the DVD "Ali G, Aiii," Ali G interviews FBI officials, animal rights activists, former politicians, family advocates, the head of Harrod's (Mohamed Al Fayed), and a space shuttle commander. Also, Borat gets a formal lesson to flirt and to socialize.

Borat's Guide to Britain
Borat's Guide to Britain

The "Ali G, Aiii" DVD contains the video's original widescreen version in a 1.85:1 aspect ratio on one side of the disc for region 2 (UK) DVD players. The widescreen presentation is enhanced for 16x9 (Europen PAL) TV sets. The video is fairly recent, so it looks bright and vibrant. The Russian reporting segments are intentionally lower quality to make the segments seem more primitive and quaint. The disc concludes with funny outtakes.

The disc begins with a copyright warning and the VCI logo which can't be skipped. Then it goes into a simply animated menu with the options: Play, Scene Index, and Ali G's Christmas Message to the Nation. A quick animation takes you to the scene index, which has static menus which are quick to navigate.

"Ali G, Aiii" contains a stereo soundtrack in English. There are no subtitles (despite what the packaging says.) There are 27 chapter stops on the scene index menu, one for each unique segment.

Ali G's Christmas Message to the Nation is a monologue followed by an interview with the general secretary of the free churches council. Then there are a few more Christmas-themed skits.

Ali G interviews a Christian
Ali G interviews the general secretary of the free churches council.

"Ali G, Aii" is a cutting comedy that will appeal to individuals who enjoy edgy humor and subtle teasing of public figures.

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Contents by Vitas Povilaitis
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